Make More “Judgmental Maps”

The Monthly Migrant
3 min readJul 9, 2021

How this Reddit joke is actually helping me in my travels.

Masterpiece by Albert Bui

When it comes to knowing where to live, sometimes we just want to cut the bullsh*t.

Inspired by things going not-so-great at work, and brought to you by not-being-paid enough for this sh*t, I quit my job earlier this summer to reevaluate my future trajectory, maybe share my experience via blogging, and most of all, explore different cities, primarily around the USA.

I’m calling myself “The Monthly Migrant,” and rather than dealing with Visas to live out my ideal plan — living on a remote Greek Island for a year — I decided to take the easier route and road trip out the USA with my boyfriend, and settle in a new city for 1–2 months at a time.

Moving every month or so comes with some challenges.

  1. Finding an affordable, furnished one-bedroom apartment for less than 2 months.
  2. Finding a city that is interesting enough to spend time in.
  3. And — once all the other boxes are checked — finding out what part of town your “perfect” rental is actually in…

If you don’t have a local friend who is willing to break it all down for you, this can be pretty tough. That is, until I found the best tool:

Google: (insert city) JUDGMENTAL MAPS

Yes. The right judgmental map is like a TLDR/five minute summary of a 3 hour over-the-shoulder conversation over a map with your most blunt friend who happens to be an expert in the city you want to go to. When you don’t have one of those, you use judgmental maps. It ain’t gonna be pretty, but it works.

A judgmental map of New Orleans I used. (No copyright infringement intended. Artist unknown.)

“But these maps are offensive”

I totally agree, and in addition they reflect only a single person’s opinions. However in my opinion, despite the humoristic snark, they still serve a purpose if you take them with a grain of salt.

My suggestion is, if you’re offended, just create a new one! You clearly don’t have to have a passion for graphic design to make one.

Do your good deed of the day and post a judgmental map of your city. Don’t hold back. Thanks for reading.

Copr. 2017 Orlando Truth. All Rights Reserved.

Had to throw in this one for any Disney World lovers. Enjoy the bonus laugh.



The Monthly Migrant

Day Job Quitter • Traveler • Designer • Exploring a New Way of Life Each Month