We Just Completed Our First Week as “Digital Nomads”

Expectations, Reality and the Unexpected Challenges

The Monthly Migrant
5 min readJul 17, 2021
Photo by Surface on Unsplash

So this year, my boyfriend and I got to the point where wecompletely hated our 9–5 (turned 9–7…turned 9–10…you get it). I couldn’t WAIT to quit my job to live every day by my own rules. I am usually a get-shit-done type of person. So I thought — I spend so many hours at this job. Imagine what I could get done for myself in the 8+ hours per day?

My expectations were this:

I created a proposal of how I would schedule my days. 1 hour of audiobook listening at the beginning of each day as I did household chores. 15 minutes of journal writing. 3 hours of work on my entrepreneurship. 1 hour learning about other ways to create income streams online. 15 minutes of sketchbook drawing. Then some weekly goals; 2 blog posts per week and 2 Instagram posts per week.

If you’re counting, that totals to 5.5 hours per day of intellectual stimulation/work checklist. I didn’t set solid rules for myself for other self improvement things, such as exercising, because I know myself not to stick well to exercise goals…and rather thought exploring would lend itself to more natural exercise that I didn’t have to really schedule.

The reality was this:

In terms of “digital nomad-y” things that could go wrong, everything actually went really smooth. Our Airbnb has had fantastic internet; I have been able to stream courses to learn about ecommerce and entrepreneurship totally fine. Luckily I have my amazing laptop that I love working from (Microsoft Surface Book II). Our Airbnb is also safe and comfortable. We didn’t have to go looking for other accommodations in a panic or anything crazy at all. Everything is smooth from the “nomad” front.

A random discovery for me this week has been that writing a blog article every few days hasn’t been totally horrible! I actually do find it sort of addicting. I guess journaling is kind of the gateway drug for blogging, huh? It makes it feel a little less weird writing with absolutely no idea if anyone is out there reading. I’m actually excited to keep publishing and have found blogging to be a nice break from other work.

Another pleasant discovery is that we have had so much time to get out and explore our temporary city — Austin, TX — right away. I love that first-few-days feeling of being totally lost in a city and getting your bearings. It’s the most fun thing to me! Hence why I think I was made for this lifestyle!

The best part of this, is that we had the freedom to explore the city and all its “touristy spots” during the week. Ugh yes. This has to be the best gift that has come from this. Especially in this weird post-COVID time, avoiding weekend crowds has been amazing for our time efficiency and sanity!

The Unexpected Challenges

I have to say the first week was — I’m just gonna say it. Kinda awkward! All this anticipation and excitement leading to this. first. week. I am doing this with my boyfriend too, so it was kind of funny watching what each of us did with our newfound time…

The Spending Dilemma

We just dove in headfirst into this digital nomad lifestyle…so we ain’t making ANY money right now. So after the first few days of splurging on meals out at every cute place we saw, we both kind of stopped and thought…well now what? We hit the grocery store and very carefully picked items that we thought we would use within the month…

But by the end of the week, I am left trying to figure out how to balance going out and enjoying all the city has to offer, while also saving money and focusing on work. Hmm. I guess the best solution would be to get to work…and fast.

The Energy for Work

Ah! Well that quite perfectly leads us into this next unexpected challenge doesn’t it? I get tired so quickly while working! You’d think 20+ years of hustling through school and corporate work would have me hardwired for productivity. My first week I found it really hard to even get to my target of 3 hours of work per day. I really need to work on getting into a groove. Maybe keeping a planner for workflows that will give me pointed goals for each day? Any tips or advice are welcome!

The Energy…In General

Y’all. I am sleeping consistently 11 hours each night. This is so embarrassing to even type! I wish I were that person who got up with the “5am Club” as I predetermined in my aforementioned schedule goals. It’s not happening for me guys! I set my alarm and I sleep right through it with no fail. And if I do hear it, I am so physically exhausted I can’t fathom getting up. Maybe this sinking Airbnb mattress just lulls me into an unbreakable sleep…

Forgetting the Bigger Picture

One interesting thing I have found is that, when I’m at our home base, I am either in work mode or relaxing mode. I want to find that sweet spot in between, where it’s kind of more of a self improvement mindset. I really need to keep in mind the bigger picture — that above joining the ranks of the Digital Nomads (hopefully for a long time), the goal of this is to focus on self improvement. So instead of spending my “relax” time browsing aimlessly online, I should keep in mind some larger goals for how I want to improve myself with all this extra time and flexibility.

  • Refine my French language skills
  • Learn something new everyday (not just in the general sense — study something each day)
  • Become a better-versed reader
  • Be less sedentary (always be moving when I can be)

So these are my takeaways from our first week living that “Digital Nomad” life! It’s exciting that our time is finally here. I’m hoping we can do something great with this one-year start. If you want to follow our makeshift journey, follow my Instagram @themonthlymigrant. See you soon!



The Monthly Migrant

Day Job Quitter • Traveler • Designer • Exploring a New Way of Life Each Month